Utah Film Festival & Awards Review of ‘Significant Other’


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The Utah Film Festival & Awards has published a praising review of ‘Significant Other’, a short film directed by Justin Mackey and starring Sé Marie, Jared Bajoras and Samantha Strelitz.

“The foundation of a great marriage for me is love, respect, and trust. If one of these factors had gone missing marriage will only become a piece of a documented lie. This short film “Significant Other” by Justin Mackey shows us the reality of the struggle of keeping the communication line open in a marriage and how the evolving technology and services get the better of us. I love the plot and the sequencing of every scene. The suspense and mystery to uncover are pretty intense that even I was on the edge of my seat anticipating what’s going to happen next. Significant Other is a well-made film that you’ll surely get hooked. I know I did.”

Keep up with the Utah Awards by visiting www.theutahfilmawards.com or following the festival on Facebook


Watch ‘Significant Other’ now:

— Posted on July 29, 2018 at 3:46 am