Sé Marie to star in live online play showcase: “Once Upon a Christmas”


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Sé Marie will be performing two original pieces in the upcoming online play showcase titled “Once Upon a Christmas.” The showcase is produced and directed by Hong Kong-based production company Kris P. Productions, and will feature seven short plays that all offer a unique twist on the perception of Santa Clause. This is the first time these pieces have been performed.

The showcase will be performed live via Zoom on December 19, 2020 at 8:30pm (HKT). Audience members can register here to watch live. Viewers can also access a recording of the live performance afterward here.

Sé Marie will perform in the following original pieces:

Short-Staffed at Christmas by Les Abromovitz

Santa Noir by James McLindon

Clip from Santa Noir

— Posted on December 12, 2020 at 12:59 am